Saturday, March 20, 2010

Vernal Equinox

Today is the Vernal Equinox, meaning the time when the sun crosses the plane of the earth's equator, making night and day of approximately equal length all over the earth.
Since it is the first day of Spring, I thought I would share with you my spring garden. It isn't very impressive yet because there are no crocus, daffodils or flowers, just buds and shoots. I haven't cleared away the brown leaves and debris.
 But look at my oregano, isn't it lovely? I just love the soft green color of the tiny leaves.
And look at the little blue flowers on the rosemary.
 And these are the dried hydrangea blooms and new buds. I need to cut the old blooms off, but I like to wait until it starts to bud, so that I don't cut off any of the old wood that will bud.
 Clay pots waiting to be filled.  I love these pots and I like mine unglazed so they form the crusty white on the outside. These are nice.
An iron pot waiting to be filled.
Buds from the weeping cherry tree.
The base of our  birdbath
And can you just see that tiny green shoot? I pushed aside all the dead leaves from last year and there it is, the tip of my Siberian Iris pushing up!
These pumpkins are still hanging around from Halloween. Maybe I'll have a pumpkin vine this year.
Okay, I know this isn't in the garden, but it is so interesting. I just love the curves of the spokes.
I just had to include my iron roses from my patio chair.
And these grapes from the back of the patio chair
I love the color of this old mason jar, and the bubbles in the glass.
 The daylilies looking so regal.
 The chives
And last, but certainly no least, my Yucca.
Spring has Sprung!




Barbara Cheeseman said...

You have some great pictures, Janne. And your garden looks an interesting place to be! Thank you for the comment on my blog. The seeds are either butternut squash, or melon, not pumpkin but all related!

Ms K said...

Wow.... you are way ahead of here I think. I enjoyed looking at the pix. Hope you get lots of pumpkins.