My daughter Danielle and I took a Caribbean Cruise. We flew from Philadelphia International Airport to Miami International Airport on March 15th. We spent the night in Miami at the Best Western Motel.
This was the view from the door of our room on the second floor.
Me on the balcony outside our room on March 16.
My daughter, Danielle on the dock by our motel room.
Later in the afternoon, we took a transport over to the port where our ship was docked. We boarded the Norwegian Pearl and found our state room.
This was our stateroom aboard the Pearl.
This is the Norwegian Pearl.
Me on the deck of the Pearl.
Danielle on the deck of the Pearl.
Danielle in the Spinnaker Lounge aboard the Pearl.
One of the decks with lounge chairs, and you can see the swimming pool and Spas in the background.
The bow of the Pearl.
We were two days at sea before we reached the first island. This is sunset photographed from the deck of the Pearl.
This is on the 7th deck of the Pearl, where we spent a lot of time walking and reading.
Land at last, this is Tortola.
This is one of the tenders that took us over to the Island. They were rebuilding the docks at Tortola, and the big cruise ships could not dock there yet.
This is stunningly beautiful Tortola!
Our guide kindly took this photo of us.
The beach on Tortola.
Danielle on the beach at Tortola.
These men were hand building this boat.
You can see how large the ship is by the comparison of these men to it.
This was the towel bunny our room maintenance staff left for us. They took very good care of us.
Next day we docked at St. Johns Island.
Danielle at phone booths on St. Johns
The Pearl docked.
When we returned to our stateroom that night, we found our towel elephant.

Our next port was Martinique.
Palm trees on Martinique.
The hallway to our stateroom on the Pearl. The fish swim toward the bow of the ship.
This was the Aft of the ship.
Our next Island was St. Kitts.
The dock at St. Kitts.
Danielle in St. Kitts.
Me shopping in St.Kitts.
Danielle in Pirana Joe's in St. Kitts.
St. Kitts
Danielle on the dock at St. Kitts.
Me on the dock at St. Kitts.
Danielle taking a stroll on the deck of the Pearl.
Our mouse towel critter was waiting for our return to our stateroom.
Our next and last island was the beautiful St. Thomas.
An iguana sunning himself on the top of some trees.
Danielle on Megan'a beach in St. Thomas.
St. Thomas
Our towel critter was waiting for our return.
We spent two more days at sea, where Danielle and I relaxed and enjoyed the shows and activities aboard the ship, before we returned to the dock in Miami. We flew home to Philadelphia on March 26th. It was cold and rainy when we landed at Philadelphia International Airport around midnight.
This is a very abbreviated version of our ten day cruise. We took lots of photos and had a great time.